Critical Acclaim

A Saucepan in the Sky

Never a dull moment.

50 something
A Saucepan in the Sky

So much of it seemed very familiar to my own struggles and wow moments.

A. A. Devon, UK.
A Saucepan in the Sky

A classic. A lovely book.

A.M. Canberra.

The humour and the entertaining bits make one laugh out loud, but underlying this is the layer of pathos and longing. Hyperbole confronts understatement; sensitive and poetic passages of intense sympathy contrast with brutal reality.

A.R. Applecross, WA
A Saucepan in the Sky

Nostalgic as well as immediate… and thoroughly engrossing.

A.T. Glebe, NSW.
A Saucepan in the Sky

An utterly readable account of a memorable ‘ordinary’ environment. Uncle Vic is a ‘funny bugger’ with a Conradian outlook. ‘Uncle’ Stan is wonderfully disreputable. A charming book…as tender a maternal portrait as you will ever read.

Australian Book Review
A Saucepan in the Sky

The world that Nicholls evokes is vivid, full of laughter, triumph and tears.

Authortalk, Berkelouw Bookshop
A Saucepan in the Sky

Some of the book was comfortably close to home for me: some uncomfortably so.

A Saucepan in the Sky

It has everything: humour, pathos, history, laughter, tears.

C. McG. Perth, WA.
A Saucepan in the Sky

Simple experiences imbued with charm… dilemmas presented clearly in a way that should strike chords of recognition…this is worth reading.

Canberra Times
A Saucepan in the Sky

Your book has helped me understand the men in my life so much more… and recognise the enormous value of parenting and mentoring the unique nature of boys.

C.S. Pymble, NSW.
A Saucepan in the Sky

A wonderful story beautifully told.

D. B. Campbelltown, NSW.
A Saucepan in the Sky

I really did enjoy it and – the mark of a good book – I definitely did not want it to end.

D.R. Melbourne.

Many of us have memories of our own innocence abroad.

E.B. Roseville, NSW

Dry, witty, sad, funny and amazingly frank.

E.M. Rozelle, NSW
A Saucepan in the Sky

Comic and loving…the reader is hooked from the beginning. You’ll want to raise your glass to Brian and his gang of relatives.

Geelong Advertiser
A Saucepan in the Sky

I’m definitely going to be reading your book over and over because as well as the history behind it there are the constant stories of mischief and humour.

G.P. Healesville, Vic.
A Saucepan in the Sky

Brian Nicholls creates an array of memorable characters. A lack of sentimentality is a strength of both McCourt’s (Angela’s Ashes) and Nicholls' memoir, but the national humour and idioms of A Saucepan in the Sky stand out as unmistakably Australian.

Independent Scholars Association of Australia Review
A Saucepan in the Sky

I reluctantly read the last page and immediately wished for more.

J. D. Paddington, NSW.
A Saucepan in the Sky

Thank you for your story and your style.

J.A. Greenwich, NSW.
What readers say

Simple experiences imbued with charm… dilemmas presented clearly in a way that should strike chords of recognition…this is worth reading.

Canberra Times
A Saucepan in the Sky

I laughed the whole afternoon as I read it. How delightful in this grim world to find such humour.

P.W. Berwick, Vic.
A Saucepan in the Sky

What a mixture! An awkward Aussie, a few screwball mates and four fascinating women. I don't think I've ever read a book before that so revealingly describes the influence a woman can have on a man - for better and for worse!

J.P Murrumbeena, Vic

An absolutely delightful read…fascinating.

Sally Loane, ABC Radio
A Saucepan in the Sky

Never a dull moment.

50 something
A Saucepan in the Sky

I really liked the subtext as well as the story.

K.S. Annandale, NSW

So much of it seemed very familiar to my own struggles and wow moments.

A. A. Devon, UK.
A Saucepan in the Sky

Wanderlust talks about things that people think but do not say.

M.B. Coogee, NSW

Highly entertaining.

R.I Paddington, NSW

The humour and the entertaining bits make one laugh out loud, but underlying this is the layer of pathos and longing. Hyperbole confronts understatement; sensitive and poetic passages of intense sympathy contrast with brutal reality.

A.R. Applecross, WA

I enjoyed A Saucepan in the Sky immensely – it stirred filed-away memories and refreshed the affection held for early relationships.

M. H. Tathra, NSW.
A Saucepan in the Sky

Some of the book was comfortably close to home for me: some uncomfortably so.

A Saucepan in the Sky
A Saucepan in the Sky
A Suitcase in the Desert